4- Decide which crypto to buy
Deciding which crypto to buy can be really hard. On the market, there are hundreds of cryptos. Fortunately, there are some websites that can help us with this task. Coin Gecko is my favourite https://www.coingecko.com/en Coin Market is another good one https://coinmarketcap.com/ (owned by Binance)
On those websites, you can see how those currencies are doing, and what is hot. You can see their chart, and find links to their websites and socials. Start from the top and start and do your own research. Check this site out for signals on when to buy (at your own risk) https://www.tradingview.com/cryptocurrency-signals/ I also use youtube to stay updated and get reviews on those cryptos. The crypto community is huge, there are lots of people that talk about them and explain the project behind the token.
See what they have to say but don't trust anyone, do what you think is right. You'll find lots of people that say Bitcoin or other cryptos are scams. Do your own research. Lots of people use big headlines and words just to get attention. Nevertheless, scams are out there. Be careful!
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